Gabe's Professional Auto Solutions
Auto Repair & Service
8:00am - 5:00pm Monday - Friday; Saturdays by Appointment Only
Driving Directions:
Edinger and Grand
About Us
Gabe’s Professional Auto Solutions Inc is a proud AUTHORIZED VENDOR for Lucid, Rivian and Tesla vehicles. Servicing the dealerships of Orange County, we take pride in being a collision center that luxury EV brands rely on!
With more than a decade of experience in the automotive industry. Gabe, owner and CEO, began his career in automotives as a limousine driver, trained in defensive and tactical driving as a private chauffeur for government VIP and royalty from the Middle East. He loved learning from their high expectations and demands. Coupled with his unquenchable curiosity and ambition, in less than a decade Gabe worked his way up from porter to General Manager of a 40,000 square foot body repair shop and Account Advisor to a multi-billion-dollar customer.
This proven track record of outstanding quality, loyalty and knowledge in servicing these high-profile clients is what launched Gabe’s Professional Auto Solutions Inc in 2021. Partnering with his wife, Autumn, who graduated from the top ranked university in Canada, is proud to run a successful company that treats their employees right, implements social initiatives, and focuses on the care of each customer. Combining Gabe and Autumn’s level of experience, expertise and excellence is what sets Gabe’s apart. This husband and wife team are all-in, managing every aspect of the company, ensuring its growth, compliance and highest standards.
Rep/Contact Info
View Personal BioGabe and Autumn CarrilloThis American company started like many successful businesses in America; with 2 suitcases and a dream. And it’s with hard work, perseverance and encouragement that have made this American Dream come true.Gabe and Autumn CarrilloExecutives- Phone: (949) 400-3753
- Send an Email
- 1363 E. Wilshire Ave. Santa Ana CA 92701
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