• Greystone Technology Hosts Cybersecurity Awareness Lunch and Learn to Empower Local Businesses

    Greystone Technology Hosts Cybersecurity Awareness Lunch and Learn to Empower Local Businesses

    Cybersecurity Awareness Month, Greystone Technology, one of our newest members, is hosting a Cybersecurity Awareness Lunch and Learn on Wednesday, October 23rd at Water Grill in Costa Mesa. This event aims to raise awareness among local business leaders about the growing importance of cybersecurity, particularly for organizations of all sizes in our community.

    The Threat Landscape: Why Cybersecurity Matters More Than Ever
    The rapid shift to digital operations, remote work, and cloud-based technologies has created new vulnerabilities for businesses. From data breaches to ransomware attacks, the risks are mounting. For small to medium-sized enterprises, which may lack dedicated IT security teams, these threats can be devastating. Greystone Technology’s Lunch and Learn will tackle these challenges head-on, providing practical tips and insights to help organizations bolster their defenses.

    FBI agent Bryan Willett, a specialist in cybersecurity, will be sharing his expertise with attendees. His presentation will focus on the latest trends in cybercrime, the tactics used by malicious actors, and actionable steps businesses can take to protect themselves. His insights, based on real-world experience, will be invaluable for business leaders seeking to understand the evolving threat landscape and safeguard their companies.

    Why This Event Is Crucial for Local Entrepreneurs
    The importance of this event cannot be overstated. By educating local entrepreneurs and business owners, Greystone Technology is helping to build a more resilient community. Many organizations, particularly smaller ones, often underestimate the likelihood of being targeted by cyberattacks, assuming that only large corporations need to worry. This false sense of security can leave them vulnerable to attacks that can lead to lost revenue, reputational damage, and even closure.

    Attending the Lunch and Learn will not only equip local businesses with knowledge but also foster collaboration and awareness. It’s an opportunity for attendees to network, share concerns, and learn from their peers in a relaxed setting while gaining crucial cybersecurity insights.

    A Community Effort for a Safer Digital Future
    By hosting this event, Greystone Technology is demonstrating its commitment to supporting the local business community in Santa Ana and beyond. Their goal is to help businesses take proactive steps to secure their digital assets and stay ahead of potential threats. This is more than just an informational session—it’s part of a larger movement to make cybersecurity education accessible to all.

    As cybercrime continues to evolve, events like this are essential in fostering a safer, more secure digital future for businesses in our region. With rising cyber risks, staying informed and connected is more important than ever.

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