OC Habitats

OC Habitats


Non Profits

About Us

OC Habitats is a grassroots habitat conservation nonprofit founded in July 2017. We provide environmental education to the general public but specifically to under-served communities in Orange County, which include Title 1 schools. We work with local partners, nonprofits, agencies, and communities, to protect and restore sensitive and ecologically important habitat such as our wetlands, coastal sage scrub, and riparian communities. The third pillar of our organization is to habitat and species monitoring. Lastly, we provide programs for local college students in our comprehensive internship program.

OUR MISSION - To provide a public service for the many habitats of Orange County, California through conservation efforts, rehabilitation, restoration, education, outreach, volunteerism, and monitoring to promote the preservation, conservation, and restoration of natural habitats and the species therein.


  • Nonprofit
  • Environmental - Habitat Conservation
  • Environmental Education
  • Habitat Restoration
  • Species and Habitat Monitoring


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1631 W. Sunflower Ave., Suite C-35, Santa Ana, CA 92704 – (714) 541-5353 – info@santaanachamber.com